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Title: To what extent are the dietary compositions of three abundant, co-occurring labrid species different and related to latitude, habitat, body size and season? [Subtitle:E. Lek ... [et al.].]
Author: Lek, E. ; Fairclough, David V. ; Platell, Margaret E. ; Clarke, K. R. ; Tweedley, J. R. ; Potter, Ian C.
Citation: ACCNO:20915
Publisher: Journal of fish biology - Vol. 78
Year: 2011
Description: p. 1913-1943
Subject: West Coast Bioregion - Fisheries - Western Australia ; Coris auricularis ; Notolabrus parilus ; Ophthalmolepis lineolatus ; LABRIDAE ; Diets ; Reefs. ; Seagrass ; Multivariate analysis ; Perth - Western Australia ; Jurien Bay Marine Park - Western Australia ; Western Australia
Notes: Location:Hillarys
Type: Departmental;Journal Article
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1 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs CR : 2011 FAI
2 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs CR : 2011 FAI
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