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Title: Improving mechanical seagrass transplantation
Author: Paling, Eric I. ; Van Keulen, Mike ; Wheeler, Karen D. ; Phillips, Jim ; Dyhrberg, Roger ; Lord, Des A.
Citation: ACCNO:13595
Publisher: Ecological engineering, vol. 18
Year: 2001.
Description: p. 107-113.
Subject: SUCCESS BANK - W A ; Seagrass ; Plant culture ; Aquatic plants ; Aquatic environment ; AMPHIBOLIS GRIFFITHII ; POSIDONIA CORIACEA ; POSIDONIA SINUOSA ; Western Australia ; Habitat improvement (biological). ; Ocean floor. ; HETEROZOSTERA TASMANICA ; Mining ; Environmental impact. ; Dredging.
Notes: Location:Hillarys
Type: Departmental;Journal Article
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1 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Internal 2001:PAL
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