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Title: Diets of reef-dwelling labrids (Choerodon species) vary with body size, season and habitat : influence of foraging ability, specialization and opportunism [Subtitle:E. Lek ... [et al.]]
Author: Lek, Elaine ; Platell, Margaret E. ; Fairclough, David V. ; Hall, Norman G. ; Potter, Ian C.
Citation: ACCNO:26388
Publisher: Journal of fish biology - Vol. 92
Year: 2018
Description: p. 901-928
Subject: Choerodon rubescens ; Choerodon schoenleinii ; LABRIDAE ; Diets ; Body size ; Seasonal variations ; Multivariate analysis ; Shark Bay - Western Australia. ; Houtman Abrolhos Islands - Western Australia
Notes: Location:Hillarys
Type: Departmental;Journal Article
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1 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs CR : 2018 LEK
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