by International Atomic Energy Agency.; International Symposium on the Use of Isotopes for Research and Control of Vectors of Animal Diseases, Host Pathogen Relatioships and the Environmental Impact of Control Procedures (1979 : Vienna);
Year: 1980., Callno: 616.993:619:621.039.8 INT
by International Atomic Energy Agency.;
Year: 1975., Callno: 614.7:621.039.8 ISO
by Radioisotopes and Radiation in Entomology Symposium (1960 : Bombay); International Atomic Energy Agency.;
Year: 1962., Callno: 632.7:632.935.4 RAD
by International Atomic Energy Agency.;
Callno: 636.085.33 NUC
by Joint Commission on Applied Radioactivity (ICSU); Symposium on the Use of Isotopes in Studies of Nitrogen Metabolism in the Soil-Plant-Animal System (1967 : Vienna); Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).; International Atomic Ene
Year: 1968., Callno: 577.113.3:621.039.85 ISO
by Agrochimica.; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).; International Atomic Energy Agency.; Soil Organic Matter Studies (1976 : Braunschweig);
Year: 1977., Callno: 631.417.2 SOI
by Sterility Principle for Insect Control or Eradication Symposium (1970 : Athens); International Atomic Energy Agency.; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).;
Year: 1971., Callno: 632.7:632.939.1 STE
by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).; Isotopes and Radiation in Entomology Symposium (1967 : Vienna); International Atomic Energy Agency.;
Year: 1968., Callno: 632.7:632.935.4 ISO
by International Atomic Energy Agency.; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).;
Year: 1973., Callno: 664.8.039.5 RAD
by United Nations Environment Programme.; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).; International Atomic Energy Agency.;
Year: 1982., Callno: 616.995.1:621.039.8 NUC