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Title: Migration patterns of fishes of the Blackwood River and relationships to groundwater intrusion [Subtitle:report to the Department of Water, Government of Western Australia [by] Stephen J. Beatty, Fiona McAleer and David L. Morgan.]
Author: Beatty, Stephen J. ; McAleer, Fiona ; Morgan, David L. ; Murdoch University. Centre for Fish and Fisheries Research
Citation: ACCNO:20791
Publisher: Murdoch, W.A. : Murdoch University. Centre for Fish and Fisheries Research
Year: 2009
Description: 92 p. : ill., maps ; 30 cm.
Subject: Southern Inland (Bioregion) - Western Australia ; Freshwater fishes. ; Endemic species. ; Blackwood River - Western Australia ; Milyeannup Brook - Western Australia ; Migrations ; Local movements ; Groundwater. ; Monitoring. ; Environmental monitoring. ; Tandanus bostocki ; Freshwater cobbler ; Nannatherina balstoni ; Galaxias occidentalis ; Western galaxias ; Edelia vittata ; Western pygmy perch ; Bostockia porosa ; GALAXIELLA MUNDA ; Western dwarf galaxias. ; Nightfish ; Western Australia
Notes: Location:Hillarys
Type: Book
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1 On Loan Hillarys 597(28:941) BEA
2 Retain Iron Mountain 597(28:941) BEA
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