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Title: Sustainability in small-scale fisheries : an analysis of ecosystem impacts, fishing behavior, and spatial management using participatory research methods [Subtitle:Geoffrey G. Shester.]
Author: Shester, Geoffrey G.
Citation: ACCNO:20461
Publisher: [Palo Alto, California] : Stanford University
Year: 2008
Description: xi, 214 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.
Subject: Artisanal fishing. ; Fishery management. ; Lobster fisheries. ; Panulirus interruptus ; Palinuridae, ; Bycatch. ; Ecosystem disturbance ; Environmental impact. ; Man-induced effects ; Fishing effort ; Fishing gear. ; Community-based management ; Community participation ; Ecologically sustainable development. ; Mexico.
Notes: Location:Hillarys
Type: Unpublished work
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1 On Shelf Hillarys 639.281.5(722) SHE
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