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Title: Advancing marine reserve science: from field experiments to marine conservation planning tools [electronic resource] [Subtitle:by Heather M. Leslie ... submitted to Oregon State Unversity ... degree of Doctor of Philosophy.]
Author: Leslie, Heather M.
Citation: ACCNO:17740
Publisher: Oregon State University
Year: 2004
Description: 200 p. : ill. ; 30 CM.
Subject: Marine parks. ; Planning. ; Conservation. ; Balanus spp ; Balanus glandula ; Barnacles ; Mathematical models ; Marine environment. ; Ecosystem management.
Notes: Location:Hillarys
URL: 'http://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/dspace/handle/1957/7152'
Checked: 10/10/2013 1:41:35 PM
Status: Live
Details: HTTP status 200 - Usual success response
Type: Unpublished work
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