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Title: An investigation of mortality of the pearl oyster, Pinctada maxima, in Western Australia / Rand E. Dybdahl, David A. Pass
Author: Dybdahl, Rand E. ; Pass, David A. ; Dybdahl, Rand E. ; Pass, David A. ; Dybdahl, Rand ; Pass, David A. ; Western Australia. Fisheries Dept.
Citation: ACCNO:17585
Publisher: Fisheries Dept. Western Australia,
Description: 77 p. : ill.
Subject: Diseases. ; Pearl culture. ; Pearl oysters. ; Western Australia ; Disease control ; PEARL CULTURE ; Pinctada maxima. ; Western Australia. ; Diseases. ; Pearl culture. ; Pearl oysters. ; Western Australia
ISBN/ISSN: 07260733
Type: Serial
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1 1985 Pending Digitisation Iron Mountain 594.14:591.2 DYB
2 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs: FR 071
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