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Title: Re-assessment of the nature conservation values of the Byenup-Muir peat swamp system [Subtitle:draft report prepared for Department of Conservation and Land Management ; by Wetland Research and Management]
Author: Wetland Research and Management ; Storey, Andrew ; Lynas, Jessica ; Creagh, Sue ; Western Australia. Dept. of Conservation and Land Management
Citation: ACCNO:17277
Publisher: Glen Forrest, W.A. : Wetland Research and Management
Year: 2005
Description: x, 99 p. : ill., map ; 30 cm.
Subject: Lake Muir - Western Australia ; Wetlands. ; Nature conservation ; Environmental assessment. ; Physicochemical properties ; Aquatic animals. ; Biological surveys.
Notes: Location:Hillarys
Type: Unpublished work
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1 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Internal 2005:STO
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