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Title: Second research report [electronic resource] : towards an understanding of climate variability in south westem Australia [Subtitle:Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre ; CSIRO Atmospheric Research ; CSIRO Land and Water ; CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences ; Indian Ocean Climate Initiative] [Subtitle:
a contributing partnership] [Subtitle:
Department of Premier and Cabinet / Dept of Industry and Technology / Agriculture WA / Dept of Environment Water & Catchment Protection / Water] [Subtitle:
Corporation / Dept of Conservation and Land Management / WA Region of the Bureau of] [Subtitle:
Meteorology / Fire & Emergency Services]
Author: Indian Ocean Climate Initiative (IOCI) ; Australia. Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre ( BMRC)
Citation: ACCNO:12510
Publisher: n.p. : [Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre?]
Description: 1 electronic optical disc [CD-ROM]
Subject: West Coast Bioregion - Fisheries - Western Australia ; South Coast Bioregion - Fisheries - Western Australia. ; Climatic changes ; Western Australia ; Climatic data ; Mathematical models ; Indian Ocean
Notes: Location:Hillarys
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1 On Shelf Hillarys CD 551.58 (267) IND
2 On Shelf Hillarys CD 551.58 (267) IND
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