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Title: A history of foreign fishing activities and fishery-independent surveys of the demersal finfish resources in the Kimberley region of Western Australia / Gabrielle B. Nowara and Stephen J. Newman
Author: Nowara, Gabrielle B. ; Newman, Stephen J. ; Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (Australia)
Citation: ACCNO:11141
Publisher: Western Australia. Dept. of Fisheries,
Series: Fisheries research report (Western Australia. Fisheries Dept.) ; no., 125
Description: 84 p. : ill., maps ; 30 cm.
Subject: Artisanal fishing. ; Australian Fishing Zone ; Fishery management. ; Foreign fishing ; Historical account ; INDONESIA ; Kimberley region - Western Australia. ; Taiwan ; Western Australia ; Trawl fisheries. ; Fishery management. ; Western Australia ; Demersal fisheries. ; Demersal fishing. ; Emperor fish ; Reef fisheries ; Reef fish ; North West Shelf - Western Australia. ; Kimberley region - Western Australia. ; Broome - Western Australia ; Serranidae ; Lutjanidae ; Pristipomoides multidens
ISBN/ISSN: 0730984532/10354549
Type: Serial
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1 2001 Pending Digitisation Iron Mountain West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs FRR 125
2 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs FRR 125
3 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs FRR 125