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Title: Consideration of the potential use of individual transferable quotas in U.S. Fisheries. The National ITQ study report.
Author: United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ; Anderson, Lee G. ; Huppert, Daniel D. ; Harding, Russell ; Griffin, Wade L ; Roberts, Kenneth ; Lamberte, Antionio ; Ward, John M. ; Hendrickson, Holly M. ; Milon, J. Walter ; Wellman, Katharine ; Gauvin, John ; Sutinen, Jon. G. ; Mace, Pamela ; Kirkley, James ; Dupaul, William ; Edwards, Steve
Citation: ACCNO:8571
Publisher: (n.p.) : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Year: 1992
Description: 5 v. 71 ;121 ;125 ;63 ;134p ;(in one lever arch file) 30 cm.
Subject: Fishery management. ; Quota regulations. ; United States of America ; Trawling ; Trawl fisheries. ; Prawn fisheries.
Notes: Location:Hillarys
Type: Book
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1 Discard Iron Mountain
2 On Shelf Hillarys 639.2.008(720) UNI