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Title: Research bulletin / Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations, College of Agriculture, the University of Georgia.
Author: Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations.
Series: Research bulletin (Georgia. Agriculture Experiment Stations)
Description: v. ; ill. ; 23 cm.
Holdings: no.337 (Mar.-Nov.1986); no.357 (Dec.1988) - no.382 (Jan.1989); no.384 (Jul.1989) - no.390 (Dec.1989); no.392 (Jun.1990) - no.413 (Dec.1993); no.415 (Sep.1993) - no.416 (Jul.1994); no.419 (Jun.1994); no.428 (Nov.1996);
Subject: Agriculture. ; Periodicals. ; Georgia.
Notes: Description based on : no. 337 (May 1986) Research bulletin (Georgia. Experiment Stations)]
ISBN/ISSN: 04354680;
Type: Journal